Question Types in ClassComm

1. INFORMATION – Information slides have no question data associated with them. They are used for informational purposes only.

2. TRUE/FALSE – Use for True or False type question slides.

3. YES/NO – Use for Yes or No type question slides.

4. MULTIPLE MARK – Use this option for multiple choice questions that have more than one correct answer.

5. MULTIPLE CHOICE – Multiple choice slides can have the choices set as text or numeric with a single correct answer.

6. SEQUENCE – Sequence slides are used when you have a slide that has a number of phrases, words or numbers that need to be put into the correct order by participants.

7. NUMERIC – Numeric answer question slides.

8. TEXT - Text answer’s up to 87 characters from genee pads and IQ Pads.

9. LIKERT SCALE – The Likert scale slide type is used when there is no right or wrong answer. They can be used gather opinion/views on a subject and as a type of survey research tool. Choose the default scale or create up to 5 custom likert scales. Also, a Text(essay) option is available for opinion type questions.

10. E-Vote – Voting slide that accepts 3 responses only – YES, NO or ABSTAIN.